Montessori vs Traditional Schooling
It is easy to take for granted the abilities and qualities Montessori allows to flourish in your child - to assume the spirit and enthusiasm your children exhibit would be there no matter what kind of learning environment.
Here are a few reminders about why we teach the way we do and why you may be attracted to Montessori:
Here are a few reminders about why we teach the way we do and why you may be attracted to Montessori:
MontessoriTeacher can complete an individual or small group lesson before moving on - child can continue working on material until mastered. Children can determine when to move from one activity to the next. Children develop ability to take individual initiative.
TraditionalTeaching is on a specific timetable (ringing bells.) When "math period" is up you move to the next subject whether you are finished or understand the work. Children are trained to be alike.
Hands on tools help students to actually construct and thoroughly understand knowledge that the teacher wants them to learn.
Teachers try to impart knowledge by textbooks, worksheets and tests. Knowledge is often superficially understood.
Working with concrete materials with one-on-one support helps students to remember concepts and to feel intense satisfaction as they work.
Rewards and punishments (such as prizes and grades) are used to inspire effort but often result in competition and students giving up. For example "I am not musical" or "I am not a math person."
Mixed ages in the classroom promote learning when ready and students help each other. The student is confident he can learn given enough time and support.
Students are taught grouped by age even though individuals can be at different levels within a topic, have different learning styles, and learn at different speeds. Children must move on even if understanding of presented material may not be fully acquired. They then do not feel academically secure.